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maximising performance

The number of hours in a day is fixed, but the quantity and quality of energy available to us is not.  It is our most precious resource.

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maximising  performance

ensuring change is sustained
building trust & engagement...


discover - perform - sustain


The discover - perform - sustain approach is based around core principles of team performance.  It covers the areas of:

  • Vision, performance and strategy

  • Leadership

  • Stakeholder engagement and communication

  • Team dynamics, interdependence, governance and alignment

  • Operational capability

The approach has been used successfully and delivered beyond customer expectations in setting up change programmes for successful delivery, the remediation of failing project and operational teams and working with leadership teams in challenging environments.


Our initial diagnostic phase of any intervention focuses on an assessment of the obstacles to performance that exist. In challenging environments this commonly includes fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Our assessment will consider individual and organisational capability, leaderships skills, team dynamics, process, governance, culture and values.  We will also look at how these are aligned with the team's objectives and the clarity of the objective.

Elements of the discovery diagnostic also include:

  • Reconciliation of vision and scope

  • Organisation mapping

  • Stakeholder assessment

We will also consider trust levels and positioning within the organisation.

During this phase we surface reality and we start to address some of the issues, though this is principally done in the performance phase.

We also start to engage the team, shape the environment, drive alignment and develop trust.


At this stage there should be a clear understanding of the issues and obstacles to performance, with a plan for the performance phase.

Significant elements include:

  • Stakeholder engagement

  • Continual building of trust with team members and stakeholders

  • Ongoing management of the team's energy to ensure continual engagement and sustained performance improvement.

  • Vision alignment and scope reconciliation

  • Clarity on accountability and responsibiltiy

  • Supportive shadowing

 The output should include:

  •  Interference to performance is removed, or at least minimised

  • Disconnects are overcome and "one team" is established

  • Build a sense of ownership for deliverables and establish clear accountability

  • Successful delivery of value to the organisation


We provide on-going support to the organisation to ensure that the change that has been delivered is sustained.  This will depend on the context but may include:

  • Facilitated or the establishment of self-facilitated action learning

  • Individual coaching

  • Establishing a culture that understands the value of reflection, review and refinement, together with the management of team and individual energy levels







on court performance specialises in working with teams and individuals in the context of change to continualy enhance performance


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